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How does your child (ages 2+) take a nap?

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There are distinct stages in every person's life. A person can define their life by age, career status, religious status, mental status, etc, etc... Each of these categories means something different to everyone. My genre of status changed once I met Seth. When I met Seth I was a "college student" and "retail sales associate" -- basically, I defined who I was by my career (or college status).

When I met Seth, things changed; suddenly I was a married woman...and not only was I married to an amazing man, but I was married to an Army officer! To me, this didn't mean much. Seth was, well, Seth. I loved his sarcastic humor (ask me how much I like it after 7 years...haha), quick wit, love of fitness, the way he could look at me from across a room and make my heart melt (and he can still do this). I thought of the Army as his job...just like my job was to sell tv's, computers, and phones at Sears. My job didn't define me; it was just a job. So, when I met Seth, I didn't think of all of the "things" that would eventually come along with being an Army wife, an officer's didn't take long for that to rectify itself.

So, at this point in my life I went from being a college student & sales associate to being a wife. It's crazy how that happens. I still attended classes and went to work but when I described myself, my description sounded more like "I enjoy hanging out with my husband and hiking/camping" instead of "I enjoy going to dance clubs (although I don't drink -- except water, of course) and staying out til all hours of the night". My stage in life had officially changed. I was growing up...learning who I was: as a wife, friend, and Christian. My focus changed and now I had to learn to live with another person; someone to hold me accountable for my actions, someone to make me a better person...hmmm...Although this transition didn't come all at once, it did seem to happen pretty quickly.

Now that I was an Army wife I apparently had a few things to learn. First on the list: what/where West Point was. Seriously? Now that my life was starting to change and it would come out that Seth was/is in the Army, I received a lot of different reactions. Seth, at the time, was working on his Master's at U of L (GO CARDS!) so people naturally would ask where he went to college. When my response was West Point, you would think that he went to Harvard or Yale by the looks on people's faces...The first time this happened I was a little surprised --"What's the big deal?" I had no idea what/where West Point even was. hahaha. So, I married someone that not only was a soldier, an officer, but he also went to a very well-known (give me credit, I was raised in a small town) University. Wow! I have a lot to live up to.

I am sure at this point, I probably thought (on more than one occasion): "Why in the world did Seth marry a girl like me? I can hardly speak properly (and he let me know several times a day), I was raised in a small town. Why me?" This was a huge emotional switch for me. I had always believed (not because someone told me but just because I assumed so...) that I would grow up and marry a small-town guy, and I would, no doubt, have a so-so (if not, horrible) marriage and, if I was lucky, no children. I didn't always believe the latter -- only while in college. It's not that I didn't like children, it's just that while in college I was in a horrible relationship and the last thing I wanted was to subject children to something like that.

My mom has been re-married several times, and although I know that we all live our lives differently, I subscribe to the notion that "once married, always married" (unless, of course, he is unfaithful). So, at this point, to transition my frame-of-mind to being in a committed relationship to a very loving, faithful, God-serving man that makes me want to be a better person (in every sense of the phrase) from the aforementioned frame-of-mind was somewhat of a shock...again, this transition came about slowly and there are time when I am still learning to adjust. The baggage seems to always remain, I just have to choose (sometimes once every few months, sometimes weekly, sometimes multiple times a day) to be a better person -- the person God has designed me to be.

(*more to come*)

A blogging conundrum of sorts...

I am finding that the worst part about blogging isn't having something to blog about but rather finding the time to actually blog about them. For example, a couple weeks ago (Not hours, not days, but weeks!) I was walking to church (I attended a praise and worship service at another church before going to our regular service before church) and it was so peaceful (it is never peaceful around my house...). I started paying attention to the sounds and smells, what people were doing, how the wind was blowing, how peaceful it was... I thought, I really want to go home and blog about this walk -- it was such an amazing and insightful walk -- but instead I went to church, came home, heading to church (again...), and then forgot to blog. Since that day I have probably done that a dozen times. I have these really insightful moments and I want to type them out (somehow it gives me clarity and, hopefully, it sometimes does for others too) but just never get around to it. So, here I am blogging about nothing instead. Ugh! It is so frustrating.

I know I have said this in the past but I will say it again -- I am going to work on blogging more regularly...and about fruitful, insightful topics. :0) I am sure that some people wonder why...why does it matter if you blog everyday? Well, it helps me keep my thoughts together. It is, somehow, cathartic for me. When I blog I feel like I was able to really express myself (and who cares if the whole world can read it...). It seems like life gets so busy and I am home with the girls all day so sometimes I don't have someone to talk to (a 3 1/2 & 2 year old don't count!). Blogging allows me to say the things I want to say and if someone reads it (and comments...), fine, if not, that is fine too. haha It is a soliloquy, of sorts.

So...for now, I am off because my dear, youngest child is out of her bed AGAIN! (deep breeaths...) and I have to go assert my scrawny authority. :0) Wish me luck!

Naptime Drama!

"Llama Llama Red Pajama reads a story with his mamma. Mamma kisses baby's hair. Mamma Llama goes down stairs..." and that is definitely not the end. Seriously? Why do children NOT go to bed when they are told? About a month ago Sophia started climbing out of her crib...I knew at that moment that I would never get a moment's peace again. Her crib was my refuge...When I needed to "get away", she would go in her crib and I would have peace and quiet (except, of course, when Kailee calls from "quiet time", "Mom, can I get up yet?").

Does anyone's children (ages 2+) go to sleep when they are supposed to actually go to sleep? I'm am going to conduct a poll. Be sure to vote. :) If you are in the amazing category of "my child is a perfect angel who listens to everything I say, especially bed time", please, please, comment with what you did/do to make this happen...

I have tried swatting the leg, threatening, bribery, etc, etc...

...and there was one.

I had an amazing weekend. (How's that for a good start?) Seth's friend, John, got married yesterday in Dallas so Seth and Kailee went to the wedding leaving me and Sophia here to hang out. I forgot out easy it is to have only one child at a time -- no fighting and no screaming. One thing I did realize is that it is a lot more work but it can be more rewarding (in an easier sense) when you only have one child with you. I know that may seem weird so let me clarify. When both girls are here, it is easier for me to get caught up in what is going on in my day. I tend to think that the girls can just play with each other while I do the things I need (err...want) to do. For instance, I might sit down to check my email and then before I know it I have been on the computer for an hour with Kailee and Sophia coming in and me telling them to "go play". I know this sounds harsh but it happens...a lot more than I would like to admit to. :( This weekend, while Sophia was the only one here, I found myself realizing that she couldn't very well go play with herself when she's used to having Kailee here (and she is only 2 -- YAY! -- as of today). So, I would turn away from my menial task and go play with her. It was so rewarding! I

It was also really sad. Kailee has never been away from me for more than a couple hours (except once when she stayed with Grandma while Seth and I went to KC for a night). During the day while Seth was in school, I started to panic. What if something happened? Did Kailee understand how much I love her?? How could I let her know? I am sure she was so tired of me picking her up, with tear-filled eyes, and telling her how much I love her...and making her tell and re-tell me my cell phone number and her mommy's and daddy's names. :)

Later that night when Kailee called me, ecstatic that they were staying in a hotel room, I got teary-eyed again. My baby is growing up! How/when did this happen? I have always said that I look forward to this age and now that it is here I am sad about it. Will I ever get to the point that I want another child...? I don't like the sleepless nights or the effects that pregnancy has on my body but I love my girls so much that it literally hurts sometimes. I know I would love another child just as much...hmmm...we shall see.

Back to my amazing weekend: Sophia has never had me alone for more than an hour or two at a time (and usually she is napping when that happens). She laughed a lot this weekend! I LOVE hearing my children genuinely laugh. It is the highlight of my day -- when their faces light up with laughter. It takes my breath away -- literally.

On Saturday, we hung out with some friends and it was so nice. Allison & Cory are a couple in town that have a lot of the same beliefs that we have...and Allison and I get along great. Unfortunately our children do not. haha. Allison's son, Steven, terrorizes Sophia. He is constantly pulling her hair, yanking her to the ground, etc...He is only a year old (just turned last month) but he is almost 3 ft. tall. Both of his parents are over 6'. Imagine this boy, almost as tall as Sophia, that doesn't quite understand that he shouldn't do these things. It was a trying day for Sophia yesterday (at least for an hour or so). Allison and Cory did a great job correcting Steven and finally at the end of the day, he actually came up and hugged Sophia -- though she was scared out of her wits when he came up to her with his arms out. hahaha. They will get used to each other. :)

Today was a big day! Sophia turned 2!!! When Kailee turned two she got a "big girl bed" and so we carried the tradition on with Sophia. Today she transitioned out of her crib and into a toddler bed that matches Kailee's. She has been climbing out of her crib constantly. I took pictures last night of her last night in the crib. :( It is sad, in a way. She is 2 and Kailee is 3 3/4 (haha...I know). Before I know it they are going to be going to college and getting married with children of their own.

Kailee tells me almost every day that she wants to be an astronaut, an entrepreneur ("like my mommy" -- haha), and a mommy. I just tell her she can do anything she sets her mind to. Let her dream big!! It takes big dreams to accomplish big actions.

So, Kailee & Seth got back from TX today and, while the girls napped for over 2 hours (Woo Hoo!), I went out to get a couple things for Sophia's birthday while Seth relaxed a little. These hectic weekends send him to the brink of insanity. He is definitely different than I am in that way. I could go, go, go all the time but Seth needs down time. That being said, I decided not to have the girls' friends over like I had originally planned and we made it a small family affair. I have to admit that it was kinda nice just being together with my family and watching the girls have so much fun opening presents and singing "Happy Birthday". I love my family. I love my life. God has been so good to me. I feel so undeserving...

So, I got Kailee a couple small things too so she didn't feel left out (and so I don't have to hear them fighting over Sophia's new toys for weeks on end -- selfish, I know). They both got a new baby doll, Sophia got a new doll stroller (they already have one), Kailee and Sophia both got a new book. Kailee's book is a Bible Study for Toddlers -- it is really simple and I am going to start reading it to her (them) in the mornings. Sophia's book is called "Tickle Monster" and it is really cute. Sophia also got a new outfit and a pair of shoes. We like to keep it simple. Not to mention, she got her bed. I am listening to the girls in their rooms right now talking incessantly. Their beds are side-by-side so I think they are really enjoying "catching up" from this weekend. :) I will post pictures later.

After this weekend, I realize that I need to spend more "quality time" with my girls. I knew this before and I have been really cutting back on play dates and such in order to accomplish this. One would thing that since I am a SAHM, I would be spending tons of quality time with the girls...I have learned there is a large difference between quality time and the quantity of time. When we go to play dates (and we were going 5 days/week), I tell the girls to go play and I talk to the other moms there. I don't really spend any quality time with the girls. :( I'm not sure how this works out...but I am working on correcting it.

I pray daily for patience...and lots of it. I find myself, oftentimes, getting very snappy and cranking toward the girls. I have this list of things I want to get done in one day and sometimes I need to just throw the list out the window and enjoy them...they will not always be this small and, before I know it, they will be in school all day. Part of me wants to rejoice at this and the other part of me wants to cry.

On that note, I am going to go in and tell them good night one more time...and remind them of my love for them. I am so glad that God had such amazing plans for my life. :)


Today was a good day. :) I wasn't so sure it was going to be when I woke up to the sound of the girls at 6:30 this morning (AGAIN!). Dastardly time change! This is the first time it has ever really effected Kailee -- actually, maybe it hasn't really effected Kailee; maybe Sophia waking up early is effecting Kailee. Ugh. Either way...I don't d0 mornings. To make it all worse, we had to be at the track at 9 this morning to do intervals, plyometrics, and squats. It is a good thing I had people relying on me to be there or else I definitely would not have worked out today. All of that to say that I am glad I worked out (after the fact)...

The girls and I came home and they played, without fighting, for almost an hour!! It seems these days the girls fight over everything! Seriously...It's crazy! I was able to FINALLY get through two inboxes of emails that have been piling up on me. It is one of my biggest pet peaves to have more than a few (3-5) email in my inbox at any given time -- today I had over 40! ...and that didn't include my Scentsy inbox. YAY!

The guy came to fix the shower. The mold issue was getting completely out of hand! Even if I cleaned the shower everyday (and I most certainly did not), there was no way to keep the mold from taking over. YUCK! He had to use a wire brush to remove the existing mold...ewwww... I'm glad its gone. While he was here I was actually able to clean my house while the girls took a bath. Yes folks, they like to take loonnnggg baths; the type of bath where the water turns freezing cold and their lips turn blue -- and I still have to drag Kailee out. Oftentimes I result to bribery (did I just say that outloud?).

The icing on the cake -- I had someone watch the girls for a couple hours tonight so I could go to an OSSC meeting (my first one!). It was really nice. There were about 40 other women there (all officer's wives) and we talked about decorating -- YAY! I love my children and I love to talk about them but enough is enough already. :) It was so nice to get out and talk about something other than baby poop and play dates. I feel so refreshed.

Now I am off to get a good night's rest. I stayed up way too late last night.

Sorry for boring you guys to tears...I promise a more insightful email when my mind isn't so foggy from sleep deprivation.


My family...

My family...

This blog... just the ramblings of a stay at home mom and Army wife. God has blessed me in more ways than I could have ever imagined and in more ways than I deserve. I guess that is what is so amazing about God's grace.